Germany: Create Biometric Passport Photos Online!
Our AI technology allows you to create biometric passport photos in the correct size easily and conveniently from the comfort of your home. You can make the passport photo yourself and have it printed nearby or delivered directly to your home. With our service, you can also easily create and print passport photos for babies. Ideal for passports, visas, and more!

The Biometric Passport Photo
Since November 2010, it has been legally required in Germany to use a biometric photo for all identification documents. These legal regulations are issued in accordance with §4 of the Passport Act by the Federal Ministry of the Interior in collaboration with the Foreign Office. Their aim is to enable automated verification of the photos. The introduction of the biometric or electronic passport, known as ePass, on November 1, 2005, laid the foundation for these requirements. Since then, the ePass has been equipped with an RFID chip where biometric information such as the photo and, since 2007, fingerprints are stored.

Biometric passport photos can still be created manually or generated using a passport photo app. Alternatively, they can be taken in photo booths or produced by a professional photographer. Regardless of the chosen method, the international criteria for biometric suitability must be met. These requirements include various aspects such as the image format, background, and facial expression. During the application process for an ID card or passport, these criteria are checked using various tools such as the official photo sample board, a passport photo template, and specialized software.
But what exactly should be considered when creating a biometric passport photo? How does such a photo differ from traditional passport photos? To clarify these questions and better understand the requirements for biometric photos, let's take a closer look at the details and recommendations for biometric photos.
A correct biometric passport photo is of crucial importance, as it ensures a smooth handling of official matters. Whether applying for travel documents or other governmental procedures, compliance with biometric requirements guarantees successful identification and ensures the seamless processing of your affairs.
Additional information:

Online Passport Photo App
- Take a photo or upload it
- AI validates your photo
- Preview the final version
- Receive a print-ready digital file
- Have it sent to you by mail if needed
Size and Format of Passport Photos
Below, we have summarized the requirements for a biometric ID photo:
- Size: 35-45 mm
- Orientation: Frontal without head tilt
- Facial Filling: 70-80% face coverage
- Facial Features: Clear, visible eyes
- Mouth: Closed
- Head Covering: None, except religious
- Resolution: Very high (600 dpi)
- Background: Light gray, uniform
- Lighting: Well-lit
- Color Neutral: No red or green tint
- Paper: Smooth photo paper
- Photo Age: Max. 6 months
For more information, visit a dedicated page: Passport Photo Size & Format
Can You Create Passport Photos Online?
Yes, you can create passport photos online, and it has never been easier! utilizes an AI-supported algorithm that does much more than just create a biometric photo. This intelligent app not only removes the background of your photo and turns it into compliant light gray but also automatically detects your face and precisely positions it in the image.
If your photo has a slight tilt, you don't need to worry because the app will automatically straighten it. Furthermore, your photo will be precisely cropped according to governmental specifications, so you don't have to worry about the correct size. The best part is that the app generates a print-ready version of your photo that you can immediately print and use for your identification documents.
With, creating a biometric passport photo from the comfort of your home has never been easier, and you can be sure that it complies with strict governmental requirements. Give the app a try and simplify your life when updating your identification documents!
Making Passport Photos Yourself: Tips
If you are creating passport photos at home by yourself, it's important to:
- Double-check the requirements for your country and the desired document type (most documents in Germany require a regular 3.5*4.5 cm biometric photo).
- Prepare the environment and ensure that the lighting is good to avoid shadows or overexposure.
- Dress neatly.
- Ideally, ask someone else to take the photos of you.
- Look directly into the camera and keep your mouth closed.
For more information, you can check out our special and detailed guide. If you are taking photos of a baby, this other guide may be helpful.